Horses are amazing animals. The therapeutic properties of horses have been known since ancient times. Contact with horses is recommended for psychological help to children and adolescents, as well as for improving the condition of sick people.


Equitherapy is used in the treatment of hemiplegia, paraplegia and various neurological disorders. Horseback riding strengthens muscles, improves balance, makes joints more flexible and is good for general morale. ☀️

Do you know that the horse is able to see our true emotions, and he notices the difference between our behavior and our inner state?
Even staying next to him, stroking his mane – you feel better, calmer, more serene. We have the impression that he understands everything, that he knows everything…

So we decided that our next excursion for Ukrainian children (S status) would be dedicated to horses! 🐴

So we go on an excursion to the Manege!

Located in neighboring France, Ukrainian boys and girls will have the opportunity to visit the Manège de Divonnes-les Bains to meet magnificent horses in order to get to know them a little better.🏇🏼

Date of the excursion: Sunday, October 30, 2022

Departure point: Gare Cornavin in Geneva (the bus with the “Sunflower” sign will be waiting for you in front of Migros)

Departure time: 08:00
Return time: 12:30 p.m.
Number of children: 40
Number of coordinators: 10

A picnic will be organized by the “Sunflower” Association.

To register the child for an excursion, please complete the form:


Our contacts

Association Sunflower
1, rue Mina Audemars
1204 Geneva