Message from the President

Dear Friends,

As President of the Association Sunflower, I am very happy to welcome you to our page.

I am of Ukrainian origin (born in Kyiv), have lived in Switzerland for almost 25 years and am very attached to my native country, which I regularly introduce to my little daughters and my husband. Sensitive to the suffering and misfortune of my compatriots, I got involved in community life many, many years ago. Thus, in 2014 I started my associative activities by coordinating multiple charitable projects in Switzerland and in Ukraine with the organisation I founded.

Now, it is the Association Sunflower that I would like to introduce to you by inviting you to join our beautiful and united team – a real family! With Sunflower, we focus exclusively on humanitarian and medical projects, working with concrete people in a purely humanistic framework. I am happy that we share the same values with all the members and partners regardless of nationality, faith and language we speak. We are united in our efforts and in our desire to help people, we care and respect each other; these are the aspects that I watch over and that I pass on to each new person who joins our Association.

It is with great pleasure that I see Sunflower grow and flourish a little more every day – more volunteers, more partners, more projects. Everyone gives their time, their energy but above all – their heart! This means that we can help Ukraine even in a better way and even more! Even a small gesture can change the destiny of a person, an adult or a child.

Like the petals of a sunflower, which symbolizes Ukraine, all of us, together, can help Ukraine to rebuild itself, to become bright, beautiful and even stronger!

Thank you for your trust, for your commitment and your generosity!
I am looking forward to working with you.

With all my gratitude,

Ludmila Meuwly

Film of Association Sunflower

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Our contacts

Association Sunflower
1, rue Mina Audemars
1204 Geneva